4 Essential potty training tips

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When you are in the midst of buying nappies, you feel like it’s never going to end, and then one day your now toddler is ready to start potty training. For many parents this could be a daunting and scary thought and rightfully so, as this is the last step from baby to toddler.

It’s important for your child to feel comfortable and understand that it is a natural part of growing up. Teaching them to use the toilet is a very important life skill and should always be done by positive reinforcement. Here are some top toilet tips from the pros to make toilet training as easy and 1, 2, pee…

1. Start by transitioning to pull-ups

This is a top tip from day care teachers, they urge parents to swop out normal nappies with pull ups. This will get your child used to going to the toilet by pulling down their underwear.

2. The magic number

Many parents believe that 2 years or 24 months old is the magic number to start potty training. The truth is there is no magic number – the most important factor to look out for is when your child starts to communicate their toilet activities. When they tell you “peepee” or “poopoo” you can begin to investigate a potty or toilet training seat.

3. Potty patrol

When you initially start potty training your toddler, make sure that when you take them to the bathroom that you give them your undivided attention. Using a potty or the toilet is a big deal not just physically but emotionally too. Make sure you are there to help them through this new stage and to guide and support them.

4. Make a song and dance of it

When they do use the potty make sure you make a big deal of it. Clap hands and cheer them on, the positive reinforcement will make sure that they will repeat this action. When a mishap does happen don’t make negative comments, rather ask your child how you can help them not make this mistake again.

Know that potty training does not happen overnight. There is an emotional as well as physical change that needs to take place and this takes time. Be there to support your toddler through this transition phase in their life – celebrating the wins and learning from the mistakes.

As with all things when raising a child, just take it one day at a time!